Digital Goods (Lessons / LUTs / Presets) - FAQ
Digital Goods purchases are not eligible for refunds or sale price matching, however, you do have the opportunity to watch a free segment of each lesson before purchase and look through the product page of each LUT and Preset. We strive to give you as much information as possible so you can make an informed decision if the Lesson, LUT, or Preset is the right fit for you. We value the work creators have put into these lessons and our policy is set to protect them.
We recommend contacting us for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or accessing our products, or if you have any questions about our Digital goods, at
Certificates of Completion
If you would like a letter or certificate in order to show that you have completed an online lesson, you may request one at
Can I watch the course again if I've already completed it?
Yes, you can! Want to watch it 1,000 times? Go ahead! Skip forward, rewind; once you've purchased the course, you will retain access to all the sections and downloadable content for 6 months from the date of purchase.
Can I download/watch the lessons offline?
Unfortunately, we cannot offer downloadable/offline access at this time.
I'm having trouble accessing the content, what do I do?
Oh no! Shoot us an email at, let us know what the issue is, and we'll give you a hand.